Owl Monkeys for sale


    Owl Monkeys for sale

    Owl monkeys, also known as night monkeys or douroucoulis, are fascinating New World monkeys named for their large, round eyes adapted for seeing in the dark. Here’s a breakdown of their key characteristics:

    Species and Range:

    • Belonging to the genus Aotus, owl monkeys encompass eleven recognized species.
    • They are found throughout Central and South America, ranging from Panama to northern Argentina, inhabiting primary and secondary forests, tropical rainforests, and cloud forests, even up to elevations of 2,400 meters (7,900 ft). Buy Owl Monkeys

    Physical Traits:

    • Owl monkeys are medium-sized primates, with a body length of 30 to 38 centimeters (11.8 to 15.0 in) and a tail that’s typically longer than their body, measuring 32 to 48 centimeters (12.6 to 18.9 in).
    • They weigh between 800 and 1,200 grams (28.2 and 42.3 oz).
    • Their most striking feature is their large, forward-facing eyes that provide excellent night vision. Their ears are small and often hidden by fur, contributing to their namesake.
    • Owl monkeys have a thick coat of fur that can vary in color depending on the species, ranging from grayish-brown to reddish-brown.

    Nocturnal Behavior:

    • Unlike most monkeys that are active during the day, owl monkeys are truly nocturnal.
    • Their large eyes and sensitive ears allow them to navigate and find food effectively at night.
    • During the day, they rest in tree hollows or dense foliage.


    • Omnivorous, owl monkeys have a varied diet consisting primarily of fruits, insects, and small vertebrates like lizards, frogs, and birds.
    • They may also consume nectar, flowers, and even eggs.

    Social Behavior:

    • Owl monkeys typically live in small family groups of 2 to 5 individuals, consisting of a breeding pair, their offspring, and sometimes other relatives.
    • Communication within the group relies on vocalizations, including whistles, trills, and howls.
    • They are not as social as some other monkey species and tend to be more solitary when foraging for food. we also have, Capuchin Monkey For Sale

    Interesting Facts:

    • Owl monkeys are considered to be among the most intelligent New World monkeys, exhibiting problem-solving abilities and complex social interactions.
    • Their slow metabolism allows them to conserve energy during long periods of inactivity.
    • Unfortunately, habitat loss and the illegal pet trade pose threats to owl monkey populations.

    If you’d like to learn more about specific owl monkey species or see some pictures, feel free to ask!

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