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African Grey Parrot: An Overview

The African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is one of the most intelligent and beloved parrot species, renowned for its exceptional ability to mimic human speech and sounds. AFRICAN GREY PARROT, Native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa, these birds have captivated the hearts of pet owners and bird enthusiasts worldwide.

Physical Characteristics

  1. Size and Weight
    • Length: Approximately 12-14 inches (30-36 cm) from head to tail.
    • Weight: Around 14-18 ounces (400-500 grams).
  2. Plumage
    • Generally grey with shades varying from light to dark.
    • Bright red tail feathers in the Congo subspecies.
    • Timneh subspecies have a darker, maroon-colored tail and a slightly smaller size.
  3. Beak and Eyes
    • Strong black beak designed for cracking nuts and seeds.
    • Eyes change color as they age: dark grey in juveniles and yellow in adults.

Behavior and Lifestyle

  1. Diet
    • Omnivorous: Primarily feeds on seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and leafy matter.
    • Requires a balanced diet in captivity, including specially formulated pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
  2. Habitat
    • Native to dense forests, savannas, and agricultural areas.
    • Requires ample space for flying and mental stimulation in captivity.
  3. Social Structure
    • Highly social birds that form strong bonds with their flock in the wild.
    • In captivity, they bond closely with their human caregivers and require significant social interaction.
  4. Communication
    • Known for their incredible vocal abilities, including mimicking human speech, sounds, and even other animals.
    • Use a variety of calls, whistles, and squawks to communicate.

Intelligence and Training

  1. Cognitive Abilities
    • Highly intelligent with problem-solving skills and the ability to understand complex concepts.
    • Capable of learning and using a large vocabulary of words and phrases.
  2. Training
    • Can be trained to perform tricks, use words in context, and even solve puzzles.
    • Positive reinforcement methods work best for training.


  1. Breeding Season
    • Typically occurs during the dry season in their native habitat.
  2. Nest
    • Nests in tree cavities.
  3. Clutch Size
    • Usually lay 3-5 eggs per clutch.
    • Incubation period is about 28-30 days.
  4. Parental Care
    • Both parents participate in caring for the chicks until they fledge.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Red List: Listed as “Endangered” due to habitat loss and capture for the pet trade.
  • Threats: Deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and hunting.

African Grey Parrots as Pets

  1. Legality
    • Ownership of African Grey Parrots is regulated in many countries due to their endangered status.
    • Requires proper documentation and adherence to local and international laws, including CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).
  2. Care Requirements
    • Diet: Needs a varied diet to maintain health, including high-quality pellets, fresh produce, and occasional nuts.
    • Housing: Large, secure cage with plenty of toys and opportunities for mental stimulation and physical exercise.
    • Social Interaction: Requires daily interaction and mental enrichment to prevent boredom and behavioral issues.
  3. Considerations
    • Lifespan can exceed 50 years, requiring a long-term commitment.
    • Potential for loud vocalizations and demanding behavior.
    • Highly sensitive and prone to stress if neglected or improperly cared for.


The African Grey Parrot is a remarkable species known for its intelligence, social nature, and vocal abilities. As pets, they require a significant commitment to provide the appropriate care, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect their populations in the wild, ensuring that these incredible birds continue to thrive both in their natural habitats and as cherished companions.


African Grey Parrots For Sale



Cory Male African Grey For Sale

Original price was: $3,400.00.Current price is: $2,600.00.


Gyrfalcon For Sale

Original price was: $4,500.00.Current price is: $2,500.00.
Original price was: $4,700.00.Current price is: $3,800.00.
Original price was: $2,100.00.Current price is: $1,100.00.